How to upgrade to the Astra Website Protection 2.0 dashboard
We’re super excited to announce the launch of our re-imagined & re-engineered product - Astra Website Protection 2.0. The new dashboard and Website Protection plugin is available for Early Access so that you can experience our new technology and features before everyone else does. It will give you greater control over the security of your website than you’ve ever had - while being no-code, pluPopularHow does Astra Website Protection pricing work?
When using Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress, PrestaShop etc. - each installation of the CMS is counted as a website in Astra Website Protection. If a FQDN is linked with a sub-directory, it will require it’s own license. In case you own multiple domains & they points towards a single CMS installation, you need 1 license to secure them all. You can add any one of the domains while signing up & any action that you take (say whitelisting or blocking an IP or country) will beFew readersWhy does one get hacked even after using a Security Plugin?
Even though there is a security plugin is installed on your website, there are multiple ways how a hacker can get access. With this unauthorized access, the attacker could do damage to your website such as redirect your website visitors to spam sites with viruses, inject bad links into your site, or even delete files. Let us say you install a security system to protect your house from theft or burglary. Just because you have a security system - do you keep the house doors, windows, or anyFew readersWill Astra Website Protection slow down my website?
No-one likes a slow website, and neither do we. We believe that security and website performance should go hand in hand - strong security without any compromise in user experience. Astra has been built with this in mind. Astra does not affect your website’s performance, rather: We did an in-depth benchmarking of websites not running Astra & then running Astra using an industry-standard environment. What we found was that Astra only takes as low as 0.0023 seconds and sometimes eveFew readersCan you clean my hacked/malware infected website?
Once you have installed Astra, you can run our automated malware scan on your website to find and remove the malware. The first scan usually completes in 20-40 minutes, and subsequent scans would take 2-4 minutes. Using the on-screen tools & resources, you can easily fix the malware found on your site. Can I sign-up for a monthly plan if my website is infected? Since hack removals require considerable amount of time & effort from our team, we require yearly commitment to assist you withFew readersWill there be any downtime when installing the Astra plugin?
Astra Website Protection is like plug-and-play software that is installed as a plugin by following easy-to-follow steps (takes less than 5 minutes). It means there is NO need to change DNS settings, unlike other security plugins. Most of the security plugins require DNS changes which means you will need to wait for the propagation to complete this will cause downtimeFew readers