How to block or trust an IP address, range or country from accessing your website
With Astra Website Protection, you can control who can access your websites based on the follwing: IP Address (IPv4 & IPV6) IP Range (IPv4 & IPV6) Country Other HTTP parameters (using Security Boosters) How to Block or Trust an IP address or IP range ( to disable Astra from running on a URL or HTTP Parameter
You might want to disable Astra Website Protection on specific URLs or GET/POST parameters, if you feel that your application is hardened in those areas and there might be some incorrect blocking. Steps to disable protection on a HTTP parameter In the Astra dashboard, go to the Threats page for your website Scroll down to the Exception list & click on ExcludSome readersHow to add a Cookie Consent banner
If your website contains cookies that are not required for it to work, you have to display a cookie banner to comply with the EU Cookie Law, CCPA, GDPR and other privacy laws. You can use the open-source Cookie Consent banner tool provided by Osano for this purpose. How to add a Cookie Consent banner Visit the Cookie Consent Wizard Click on the Start Coding button In the configurator which opens up, choose the options as per yourFew readersWhat are the different Protection Modes for my Website Protection?
You can use Astra Website Protection in two Protection Modes. This setting determines whether an attacker should be actively blocked, or just monitored without taking any automatic blocking action. Different Protection Modes Automatic Blocking (recommended) With this setting, Astra Website Protection will automatically block suspicious visitors/IPs based on your SFew readersWhat are the different Security Tolerance Levels?
The security level of the Astra Website Protection plugin determines how the plugin blocks attackers coming to your website. It depends on some factors (but not limited to): Attack Intensity Attack Frequency IP Reputation How to modify Security Tolerance Level Log into your dashboard and navigate to Settings. Scroll down to the “Security Tolerance Level” section. ( readers